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September 2024 Newsletter

Cheryl Nash

Sep 2024 Newsletter                                     

Tuesday, Sep 24, 6:00 p.m., Meeting In-Person At New Life Church in Gahanna.  NOTE: We are meeting in the café and earlier at 6 pm for a pot luck dinner.


This is an evening for socializing with dinner and show and tell!


Pot Luck Dinner:  Bring a dish to share or pay $5.  Catie Gynn sent a link to Perfect Potluck to sign up to bring a dish to share.  The theme for the potluck is Chicken Dinner. 


Bring your finished mystery quilt for show and tell.  Valerie will lead the review and will bring along some prizes.


Bring your fair quilt for show and tell.  Share your quilts entered into local and state fairs.  Tell us about your experience.


Bring your show and tell items.






Oct 22, 2024 Guild Meeting

Rachel Wallis from Sew to Speak quilt shop will be our speaker titled Stitch by Stitch: A history of Quilting for Liberation.

Textile artist and activist Rachel Wallis will give an overview of some the ways quilts have played a crucial role in social justice movements over the last 200 years, and share some of her own work, which addresses issues of policing, incarceration and climate change.


Nov 19, 2024 Guild Meeting


Brian from Bolts and Quarters will be our speaker.  He will be bringing merchandise for sale.



New Location for Common Threads Quilt Guild Meetings IMPORTANT MUST READ


The full Board (officers and committee chairs), along with an ad hoc sub-committee on meeting location, have searched for a new meeting location using the following parameters:

·      A somewhat central Columbus location such as we had when meeting at Bexley United Methodist Church

·      Easily accessible from freeway and main roads

·      Ample, safe parking

·      Elevator for those who need it

·      Accommodate approximately 75 people, with room to grow

·      Flexible space for either chairs set as auditorium seating or chairs at round tables

·      Ability to use projection or hook up to large video display

·      Nearby kitchen and ability to bring food to meeting space

·      A one-year commitment to host our meeting dates for 2025

·      A cost of $200 per month or less (we paid $200 at Bexley UMC)


Many locations were considered, with most being ruled out due to cost or inability to commit to the entire year. We have, however, identified St. Catharine’s Church, 500 South Gould Road, as meeting our requirements and being willing to issue us a contract for the entire year (February to November, 2025), with the option to renew if both parties are pleased with the arrangement.


The space is very similar to the original space the Guild used at the Bexley UMC. It is a 1970’s basement space, with good lighting and an attached kitchen. The parking lot is large, flat, and near the door to the stairs and the door to the elevator. The location at 500 South Gould Road is accessible from the James Road exit off 70E (north on James to Livingston, west on Livingston to Gould), or from Main or Broad Streets if coming from downtown.  We are able to host potlucks in the space, and there are two large video displays we can hook our projector into. We will continue to use our own audio system. The only additional commitment we have with this space is that we are responsible for taking the trash to the parking lot dumpster at the end of the night.


Following a vote by a quorum of the Board it was agreed that we would proceed with the contract for 2025. 


We are excited about finding this space, and especially excited about moving back to a more central location that will benefit the membership and make it possible for more people to join us for programs in the coming year. Please map to the new location, sent separately.



Fat Quarter Raffle


Bring a fat quarter for the raffle. One fat quarter earns one entry ticket. Come join the fun!!! See Bev Kenney at the meeting.




Charity Quilts


Handouts will be available at the meeting with guidelines and examples of sample quilts and blocks.  Please see Jennifer Thurmond.  Flannel will be available to make receiving blankets, bibs, rag quilts or as a back for quilt top should members wish to donate. 


Our guild has had a long history of supporting many local groups so please join us in making a quilt or two!




Sue Atkins will inform us when and where social sews in Oct and Nov will occur.  Please watch your email and/or FB.



Positions for 2024


Our guild relies on volunteers to fill our Board and Committee positions.  The vitality of our guild is because of volunteers like you.  Please consider a volunteer position for 2025.  Here are our Board and Committee members who can tell you about what the position entails.


Past Presidents 2024                      Tina Siddle, Catie Gynn

Co-Presidents 2024                         Kandra Waugaman, Cheryl Nash

Co-Vice Presidents 2024                Bev Kenney, Carol Cornette

Membership 2024                            Teresa Witt

Treasurer 2024                                 Betsy Truex

Secretary 2024                                 Claire Paul

In-Town Retreats 2024                   Melanie Megias

Shop Hop 2024                                Nancy Mergel

Sew A-long, Swaps 2024               Mary Hoffman

Social Sew 2024                              Sue Atkins

FB Under My Needle 2024             Cindy Marn

Sunshine 2024                                 Karen Beckley

Equipment 2024                               Open

Out of Town Retreats 2024            Monique Muncy, Sam Chapman

Charity Quilts 2024                          Jennifer Thurmond

Birthday FQs 2024                           Donna Broadnax

Ways and Means 2024                   Judy Starr-Lintner




Sunshine Committee


If you become aware of any guild member who is ill, facing surgery, or has had a death in the family, please let Karen Beckley know. Email or text 614 264-6566 so that a card can be sent out on behalf of all of us.


If you know of any reason to celebrate or receive a pat on the back such as graduation, promotion or award, we would like to publish it in an upcoming newsletter.  Please contact Karen with any celebrations.

Please leave your name also so that you can be contacted with any questions



Guild Website Update


The Website committee (Valerie Rake, Betsy Truex and Cheryl Nash) have created and explored website elements using WIX.  We will provide an update at our next guild meeting.



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