January 2025 Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2025
Via Zoom
Our speaker was HollyAnne Knight from String & Story quilt shop in Duluth GA. She is very enthusiastic about machine quilting! Check out her website for online classes, and lots of free videos on YouTube.
Quilt Show – Kandra Waugaman
Kandra still needs quilt show volunteers. Contact her if interested. She will need volunteers from noon on Tuesday Feb 25 for judging, as well as during the show to hold and carry quilts. Please sell raffle tickets for the blue and white antique quilt. Bring the money along with tickets to the quilt show.
Also bring any raffle baskets to the quilt show.
There is a Quilt Show Entry Form in the newsletter. You can enter up to 3 quilts. Provide a form with the story of your quilt, and $5 for each quilt. Turn in quilts by Sunday February 23. We will collect them at the In-Town Retreat or other locations to be announced.
In-Town Retreat – Melanie Megias
The retreat will be February 23-25 at Reynoldsburg Senior Center. You must join the guild via the website in order to sign up.
Jennifer Thurmond will be accepting charity quilts at the In-Town Retreat. Use your own pattern, or the one Jennifer provided. If you use Jennifer’s pattern, you can make a whole quilt or 6 blocks and she will combine them.
Fat Quarter Raffle – Betsy Zimmerman
Let Betsy know your mailing address. You can bring your January blocks to the February meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
Our March speaker will be Carol Cornette’s brother, Scotty Jones. He is a fiber artist and printmaker. He designs fabulous bags. Visit his website - Indiana Artisan.
Our April speaker will be quilt designer Christa Watson. She will also do a workshop at the Pataskala Library.
Fun Fact!
Our guild is 25 years old.
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