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February Newsletter 2025

Happy Valentine’s and Super Bowl month! I hope everyone enjoyed our January speaker, Holly Ann Knight. I also hope some of you visit her shop either online or in person. She certainly has energy and some wonderful quilting insights!

Our February meeting is our quilt show. Thank you to Kandra for heading this up and thank you to all of you who have volunteered to help. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful quilts. Also remember to sell those raffle tickets for our donated antique quilt and bring the tickets and money with you on February 25th.

Also a reminder that Sue Atkins is heading up the basket raffle and could always use more baskets and help with that during the quilt show.

If you signed up for the Birthday Fat Quarter swap, bring both January and February’s fat quarters to the meeting and find Betsy Zimmerman to get those distributed.

February 21st to the 23rd is also our first In Town Retreat of the year. I think there are a few more spots and you can sign up through the Common Threads website. Remember to go to the “shop” page to complete the registration.

March 1st will be the deadline for joining the guild. Tina Siddle sent emails to members that have not completed their registration. After March 1st we will be deleting non-members from the email list and Facebook page. If you have any questions or need help please contact either Tina or Melanie. They will be glad to help you complete your registration.

I hope all of you have visited the new website. The committee of Cheryl, Valerie, and Betsy worked VERY hard to put that together. We hope to use the website as our primary source of information and communication.

Finish those final stitches for your Quilt Show entries – only a few more days! Kandra will be announcing drop off locations for your entries. I know you can drop off your entries during the in town retreat in Reynoldsburg, but she will have others too.

Happy Sewing,

Carol and Bev

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