Retreats (In-Town)
Two in-town retreats are held annually, with space for approximately 40 members only. When retreats are announced they can be purchased in our guild shop.
Social Sews
Our guild will hold social sews, usually monthly, to allow members time to work on individual projects. These meetings may be held at our meeting location or local libraries.
Shop Hop
Shop Hops may be organized annually or every other year as a one day event to visit nearby quilt shops.
Mystery Quilt
Held on even years, a mystery quilt with reveal of blocks/sections as a "block of the month" program.
Charity Quilts/Service
Instructions are available at meetings with guidelines and examples of sample quilts and blocks for charity donations. Our guild has a long history of supporting many local groups.
Guild Equipment
The equipment chairperson is responsible to maintain a list of equipment and where and who has equipment.
Sunshine committee reaches out to acknowledge life events of our members. Members may contact chairperson at any time.
Birthday Fat Quarters
Members who join this committee will receive fat quarters in their birthday month. Members indicate a preferred style (fabric type or color) and purchase fat quarters throughout the year for other members in the group, ensuring all members in this group a fun surprise for their birthday.
Retreats (Out of Town)
Two out of town retreats are held annually in Berlin Ohio with space for 40-50 members only. When the events are announced they will be available for purchase in our guild shop.
Guild Quilt Show
The Guild Quilt Show is a fundraising event held every even year. Quilts created by members will be professionally judged. A fee will be charged for non-members to attend.
Swaps are an opportunity for members to participate in projects that could include a monthly quilt along, or quilt blocks as announced by the chairperson.
Web Master
Trains guild to use and maintain guild website. Serves as point person for any questions regarding content and use of website.
Executes program, calls board/committee meetings, and provides signature for guild documents. Is filled from Vice President role. Can be individual or dual members in this role.
Records meeting minutes and submits to President and website. Photographs show and tell and post to social media and website.
Vice President
Develops program for following year and automatically fills President role. This is a two year commitment as Vice President followed by President. Can be individual or dual members in this role.
Ways and Means
This committee serves as the fundraising arm of the guild and raises funds to support guild activities, including speakers, workshops, and retreats.
Maintains bank account, receipt of funds and payments as needed. Provides account overview at guild meetings. Maintains IRS and state filings for non-profit organizations.
This committee serves as a welcoming committee to greet members and guests as they enter the monthly meetings,be available to guide new members, and answer questions about the guild. Assists with annual membership enrollment.